Our Mission
Idaho has world-renowned night skies; let’s protect that! We need to preserve Idaho’s unique natural beauty.
Blaring red lights are a detriment to our landscape and community. We will join the success of other communities using commercially available technologies to stop windmill light pollution for Idahoans.
Drone footage shot in Bingham County
Our Plan
Previous wins
Other states have already put windmill light restrictions in place – let’s help Idaho be the next!
The technology
An Aircraft Detection Lighting System (ADLS) is a sensor-based system that monitors the airspace around a site, detecting aircraft & activating obstruction lights only when aircraft are within a specified distance.
Additional information
Learn more about our goals in local news publications:
Interested in learning more about the technology? Check out these additional resources:
How can you help?
We need your support to make this a reality. Please go and sign our petition. You can also print your own petition to help us gather signatures. We could also use donations to help with the cost of flyers, yard signs and other marketing materials.
In addition, we would love to keep you informed of progress made and upcoming events. Enter your name and email address below to sign up for these updates.
End the Red Light District Petition
1000+ signatures as of August 7, 2024
Show your support by signing our petition today!
Or print your own petition to help gather signatures!
Help us out with donations.
Frequently Asked
Questions you may have, answered!
How sure are we can succeed in implementing ADLS?
There is no plan B. End The Red Light District will do what it takes to insure the lights are off 95% of the night. The only unknown is how long it will take. See below for answer.
Is this state level or county level?
The short answer is both. There are many wind farms in Idaho either in the process of approval, approved, or starting the process. However, our first task is the closest one.
What happens to my money when I donate?
We will educate through Media. Buying Ads, Shirts, Billboards, maintaining website material, paying for Petition Signature website seat. We are Registered as a 5013c in Idaho. No board member is allowed to receive personal funds from fundraising.
Why isn’t ADLS mandatory for Idaho wind farms when other states have made it mandatory?
You should ask our representatives this question. Local and State.
Who will pay for the Aircraft Detection Lighting System (ADLS)?
Our goal is to have the largest shareholder and profit center pay to restore our night sky.
Who are the current Board Members?
Aaron Harker: (Director); Logan Longhurst: (Media Manager); Amy Graham: (Social Media Manager); Bill Harker Jr: (Outreach specialist)
What can I do to help?
FIRST SIGN THE PETITION. After that, a lot. We need people to be involved. Consider donating so we can mass educate and mobilize. TALK to others, Share social media post, call someone and tell them, text the petition page to anyone who cares, ask End The Red Light District Board member to present to community members at events.
Has ADLS been approved by the FAA? (Federal Aviation Administration)
Yes. It’s Approved case by case. This process has been done successfully hundreds of times.
Still have questions?
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Let us know!